Volume 55 (2005) Issue: 2005 No#4

Fattening, meatness and economic efficiency of fattening pigs

Author(s): Senčić Đ, Antunović Z, Kanisek J, Šperanda Marcela

Keywords:fattening, meatiness, pigs, body weight

The investigation included five groups of fattening pigs of various average final body weights (90.30 kg; 100.40 kg; 110.30 kg; 120.50 kg and 130.20 kg). The pigs were kept in groups and fed ad libitum a feed mixtures. Meat quality was determined on M. longissimus dorsi (MLD) taken between the 13th and 14th rib. It was determined that the average final body weights were 90.30 kg (1st group), 100.40 kg (2nd group), 110.30 kg (3rd group), 120.50 kg (4th group) and 130.20 kg (5th group). This resulted in: decreased average daily gain (0.755 kg; 0.750 kg; 0.720 kg; 0.714 kg and 0.650 kg), feed consumption increased per yield kilogram (2.65 kg; 2.70 kg; 2.90 kg; 3.10 kg and 3.35 kg), slaughtering dressing increased (77.00%; 78.00%; 78.50%; 79.00% and 80.50%), decreased pig carcasses meatiness (58.13%; 57.73%; 55.36%; 54.93% and 53.80%) decreased relative carcass ham meat share (21.27%; 20.98%; 20.19%; 20.08% and 19.68%), increased pH1 meat value (6.10; 6.04; 6.10; 6.30 and 6.30), increased meat water binding capacity (8.19 cm2; 8.58 cm2; 7.00 cm2; 6.80 cm2 and 6.85 cm2), increased meat marbling (1,40; 1.50; 1.55; 2.50 and 2.50) and meat colour intensity fading (2.75; 2.70; 2.50; 2.35 and 2.33). Final fattening pig body weights had a significant influence on the fattening traits, pig carcasses and meat quality. Taking into account pig fattening and meatiness as well as fattening profitability, at the existing price ratio, the most effective pigs fattening is by approximately 100 kg of body weight.

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ISSN: 0567-8315

eISSN: 1820-7448

Journal Impact Factor 2023: 0.7

5-Year Impact Factor: 0.8

Indexing: Thomson Reuters/Science Citation Index Expanded, Zoological Record, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Google Scholar, SCIndeks, KoBSON, Genamics, Journal Seek, Research Gate, DOAJ, Journal Rate, SJR – SCImago Journal & Country Rank, WorldCat, Academic Journals Database, Medical Journals Links, MedSci, Pubget
