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General guidelines of the Journal's style and language: the manuscript must be written in clear and concise English language and should be checked by a native-English speaker or certified English instructor with a good understanding of scientific terminology.
Type the manuscript double-spaced, using 12 font size and 3,0 cm margins. The journal requires line numbering in submitted manuscripts. Number the pages consecutively with the title page being page 1. Original research articles, case reports and methodology articles should usually occupy no more than eight printed pages. Text headings should be typed in capitals and subheadings in italics with an only initial capital letter. The text may contain a few short subheadings.
Original research articles should report on original primary research. Original research articles should be subdivided in: Title page, Summary and Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables / Figures / Illustrations (with Legends).
Methodology articles should present a new method, test or procedure. The method described may either be completely new, or may offer an improved version of an existing method. The article must describe a clear advantage over what is currently available. The method needs to have been well tested and ideally, but not necessarily, used in a way that proves its value. Methodology articles should be subdivided into Title page, Summary and Key words, Introduction, Methods - Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures, Illustrations (with Legends). The Accession Numbers of any nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences or atomic coordinates cited in the manuscript should be provided, in square brackets and include the corresponding database name.
Case reports and Short communication submitted to Acta Veterinaria must have educational value or highlight the need for a change in clinical practice or diagnostic/prognostic approaches. Acta Veterinaria will not consider Case reports describing preventive or therapeutic interventions, as these generally require stronger evidence. Acta Veterinaria welcomes well-described reports of cases that include the following: unreported or unusual side effects or adverse interactions involving medication; unexpected or unusual presentations of a disease; an unexpected association between diseases or symptoms; an unexpected event in the course of observing or treating an animal and findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect. Authors are encouraged to describe how the Case report is rare or unusual as well as its educational and/or scientific merits in the covering letter that will accompany the submission of the manuscript. Case reports should be subdivided into Title page, Summary and Key words, Introduction, Case presentation, Acknowledgements, References, Tables/Figures/Illustrations (with Legends).
In Short communication, Results and Discussion section is the interpretation of the results and their relation to the existing knowledge. The contribution to Veterinary medicine must be clearly stated.
The Title page should include:
1. Short and informative title in capital letters.
2. Names of all authors (with only initial capital letters) followed by their affiliations: department, institution, city without postcode, country. If there is more then one institution involved, authors names should be linked to the appropriate institutions by inserting numbers in superscript after relevant names.
3. Full name, e-mail, fax phone number and mailing address of the corresponding author should be typed at the bottom.
Summary should be short and clear, with no more then 250 words. Reference citations must not appear in the summary and abbreviations should be avoided. The summary should provide a basic-level introduction to the field; a brief account of the background and principle of the work; a statement of the main conclusions; and 2-3 sentences that place the main findings into a general context. All manuscripts should be followed by a Summary in Serbian. This will be provided by publisher for authors from outside Serbia countries.
Below the end of English and Serbian Summary four to six Key words in alphabetical order should be provided, using the entries from Index Medicus for indexing purposes.
The essence of the problem and the purpose of the study should be pointed at the introduction. References discussed in the manuscript should be cited.
Identify the methods and procedures in sufficient details to allow other workers to reproduce the results. If methods are widely known, they should not be described, but only references indicated. Give references to established methods including statistical methods. Specify any general computer program used. Identify all drugs and chemicals used with generic names, doses and route of administration. Provide manufacturer and product number where applicable.
Informed consent: Journal Acta Veterinaria Beograd ask authors not only to confirm that ethical and legal approval was obtained prior to the start of the study, and state the name of the body giving the approval, but also authors are asked to confirm that animals did not suffer unnecessarily at any stage of an investigation and authors should provide Statement of Informed Consent. All articles related to companion animals should include written consent as mandatory part of Consent section and authors should provide given consent from the owner. The protection of privacy is legal right that must not be breached without individual informed consent. In case where the identification of personal information is necessary for scientific reasons, authors should obtain written permission for the client-owned animals.
The following (or similar) statement should be included in the end of Material and methods section: Informed consent: Informed consent has been obtained for client-owned animals included in this study.
Experimental research on vertebrates or any regulated invertebrates must comply with institutional (e.g. Institutional Animal Care and Use Guidelines), national (e.g. Law for animal welfare protection) and international guidelines (e.g. Directive 2010/63/EU in Europe). It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain approval of appropriate regulatory group and report this approval in their manuscript in the first paragraph of the section Materials and methods including the name of the regulatory group, reference number and date of the approval.
The research using animal subjects should be conducted according to th Principles of Laboratory Animal Care and similar documents (e.g.
The design of studies involving client-owned animals should include documentation of informed client consent.
The Editor may request further information about care and use of animals including evidence of regulatory approval, client consent and compliance with local regulations.
The Editor reserves the right to decline to publish manuscripts if he has concerns about the welfare or treatment of animals used in the study.
Examples: Ethical approval: The research related to animals use has been complied with all the relevant national regulations and institutional policies for the care and use of animals (name of regulatory group, number and date).
If the manuscript does not contain any study that requires animal ethical approval, the following statement should be included in the Material and methods section: Ethical approval: The conducted research is not related to animals use. No ethical approval was obtained because this study did not involve laboratory animals and only involved non-invasive procedures (e.g. collection of waste tissue after surgery, fecal samples, voided urine etc).
When reporting experiment on animals indicate whether the national law on the care and use of animals was followed. Approval of the ethics committee must be obtained prior to the start of the study and should be available upon request. When reporting in addition experiments in human subjects, manuscripts must include assurance that the study was performed in conformance with the Declaration of Helsinki ethical guidelines. See the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals at Authors are required to submit a scanned copy of the signed original, Statement of human and animal rights.
Results should be presented in a logical sequence, using tables and figures without duplication. The data should be precise and the International System of Units (SI) should be used.
Results should be discussed and related to other relevant studies. The Conclusions should be linked with the goals of the study, avoiding unqualified statements and conclusions not supported by your data.
Acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the text indicating financial support or technical assistans. Name of the funding organizations should be written in full.
Citations such as personal communications, unpublished data or in press are not accepted. Meeting abstract may be cited only if published in indexed journals. Only essential references should be included in the text by Arabic numerals in square brackets and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Always the same number is indicated in square brackets for the reference which is cited several times in the text. Automatic numbering should be avoided. References are typed on sheets separate from the text and follow the text.
Journal abbreviations follow Index Medicus/MEDLINE. List all authors. Authors are encouraged to use EndNote. Otherwise references must be given in the following format:
Simpson VR, Davison NJ, Kearns AM, Pichon B, Hudson LO, Koylass M, Blackett T, Butler H, Rasigade JP, Whatmore AM: Association of a lukM-positive clone of Staphylococcus aureus with fatal exudative dermatitis in red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). Vet Microbiol 2013, 162:987–991.
Marinkovic D, Aleksic-Kovacevic S, Knezevic M: Verminous arteritis of the cranial mesenteric artery of horses: the role of arterial smooth muscle cells [abstract]. J Comp Pathol 2010, 143:351.
Book and Monographs
Munson L, Terio KA, Ryser-Degiorgis MP, Lane EP, Courchamp F: Wild felid diseases: conservation implications and management strategies. In: Biology and conservation of wild felids. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press; 2010, 237-259.
Neylon C: Open Research Computation: an ordinary journal with extraordinary aims. []
Images must be at resolution 300dpi (1200 x 900 pixels). Allowable formats – JPG, TIFF. For microphotographs scale bars with appropriate units should be provided. Symbols, arrows or letters used in photographs should contrast with the background.
The legends should be included in the main manuscript text file at the end of the document, rather than being a part of the figure file. For each figure, the following information should be provided: Figure number (in sequence, using Arabic numerals - i.e. Figure 1, 2, 3 etc.) and detailed legend. Uppercase letters A,B,C, etc. should be used to identify parts of multipart figure.
Each table should be numbered and cited in sequence using Arabic numerals (i.e. Table 1, 2, 3 etc.). Tables should also have a title (above the table) that summarizes the whole table; it should be no longer than 15 words. Detailed legends may then follow, but they should be concise. Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. Tables should be uploaded in a separate file as a Microsoft Word (.doc) document. Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring that the borders of each cell display as black lines. Commas should not be used to indicate numerical values. Colour and shading may not be used; parts of the table can be highlighted using symbols or bold text, the meaning of which should be explained in a table legend.
Abbreviations: Abbreviations which are not standard should be defined in the text when first used.
Competing interests: A competing interest exists when your interpretation of data or presentation of information may be influenced by your personal or financial relationship with other people or organizations. Authors are required to complete a declaration of competing interests. All competing interests that are declared will be listed at the end of published articles. Where an author gives no competing interests, the listing will read 'The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests'.
Author’s contributions: In order to give appropriate credit to each author of a paper, the individual contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified in this section.
An author is generally considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to a published study. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgements section.
Copyright: It is condition of publication that authors assign License to Publish document to Acta Veterinaria.
Acta Veterinaria
Prof. Dr Sanja Aleksic-Kovacevic, Editor-in-Chief
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade
Bulevar oslobodjenja 18,
Belgrade, 11000, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]
Acta Veterinaria
Ass. Prof. Dr Vladimir Kukolj, Technical Editor
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade
Bulevar oslobodjenja 18,
Belgrade, 11000, Serbia
E-mail: [email protected]
Please also visit Acta Veterianria homepage at
e-mail: [email protected]
ISSN: 0567-8315
eISSN: 1820-7448
Journal Impact Factor 2023: 0.7
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.8
Indexing: Thomson Reuters/Science Citation Index Expanded, Zoological Record, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Google Scholar, SCIndeks, KoBSON, Genamics, Journal Seek, Research Gate, DOAJ, Journal Rate, SJR – SCImago Journal & Country Rank, WorldCat, Academic Journals Database, Medical Journals Links, MedSci, Pubget